THIS is Tasmania:
THIS is NOT Tasmania:
When I was telling people that I was going to spend 5 weeks in Tasmania, more than once I got slightly pitying looks, as if people were saying, "Oh, poor thing... she thinks that's a real place. Tsk tsk."
Well, despite how surreally beautiful it is here, what with the breeze and the sun and the apples and the falling leaves and all (it's Autumn...weird), Tasmania's not an imaginary land after all.
Space Sharks (2024)
Eksperimen militer yang dilakukan di stasiun luar angkasa menjadi sangat
buruk, mengirimkan generasi baru hiu bersenjata ke bumi dengan hanya […]
6 months ago
I'm glad you've discovered it. It *is* a wonderful place!
Watch out for possums.
-- Radagast
And for all you USA friends, here's a webcam of Hobart's bay and one of the lovely bridges. You can see this bay and bridge quite nicely on Google Earth.
Laura's Dad
For those who can't see the link, it's here:
Most of the time, Laura will, I suspect, be somewhere on the far side of the river. But you might not be able to see her wave.
That is so weird to experience Fall in May!
Yeah, the earth is round. Weird.
Laura has moved to Hobart. Her accent is a little strange, although the way I talk has been made fun of more often.
Ha! That's awesome!
I used to work in a coffee shop that carried several Tanzanian blends, and everybody (invariably) attempted to pronounce it "Tasmanian."
See, it's all about the syllable emphases: "tan-zuh-KNEE-an" versus "taz-MAY-knee-an"
I found my way here from the boundless blog (with which I also have a love-hate relationship). What are you doing in Tasmania?
(my blog isn't on blogger, so it won't save on my profile)
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