I still think Obama is going to be the next president (...which, I guess isn't all that bad. I like the guy's earnestness and vision. Better than four more years of Billary, the Power Couple President. Ugh. And I told mom yesterday or the day before that I think he would be this generation's JFK -- a traditional democrat, and handsome, charismatic, earnest, personable -- with all the "issues" that would raise) but I think the odds took a major turn with yesterday's announcement. Before yesterday I would have laid 5-to-1 against McCain, or any Republican, getting elected. Now, I would say probably 2-to-1.
And now I have this stuck in my head.
Space Sharks (2024)
Eksperimen militer yang dilakukan di stasiun luar angkasa menjadi sangat
buruk, mengirimkan generasi baru hiu bersenjata ke bumi dengan hanya […]
5 months ago
Why, what happened on 2/7?
Anon, are you serious? Look down about 2 inches on the screen from the bottom of this entry.
Hmm, maybe my browser is blocking some offensive material. I don't see anything.
No, I mean the previous post. Eloquently entitled "WHAAAAAA!?!?" I might have gotten the number of A's wrong...
Romney didn't have a chance as long as Huckabee kept playing spoiler, so his quick exit makes little difference. The Republicans know that McCain will have to do, but there will be no joyful unity over him even with a Huckaveep.
I thought from the "Guys and Dolls" song that you had some mushy X factor regarding either Obama or McCain, but that apparently is not the case.
Anyway, thanks for the clarification.
(Please ignore if this is a duplicate post. That was a tough CAPTCHA!)
The song had more to do with the odds:
Call it hell, call it heaven,
It's a probable twelve to seven
That the guy's only doing it
For some doll.
And guess what I watched on PBS last night? G & D! Whodathunk?
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