I have been the Worst. Blogger. Ever. in recent weeks.
But perhaps a brief update will clarify why I've been MIA from blogland: I recently got a job. That's right, people, my first full-time job ever, and it's in an office, no less! I'm now officially the church secretary (or "administrative assistant" if you prefer) at Sojourn. I've been working 40 plus hours a week, and it's been pretty mentally draining. When your teaching pastor is a visionary who is amazing at setting a vision for Gospel transformation before the people but who is Not Into Details, and when your church has exploded from around 400 on a Sunday to over 800, and when you've recently moved into a building that's still under construction, and when no systems of organization have been put in place in the office, and when your church has never had a paid secretary... Well, let's just say that things are a little chaotic in Sojourn's offices right now.
In other random news:
I know April is Kill Your TV/Cultivate Beauty month, and I'm cultivating it, already! But I had to watch House tonight. And it was weirdly pro-life. There's been a subtle undercurrent of pro-lifeishness, or at least questioning the pro-"choice" agenda, for a while now, with some of the characters debating the whole it's-a-person, it's-not-a-person thing (which, incidentally, seems to reflect the growing national discomfort with killing someone whose face and fingernails you can see on a 4-D ultrasound). But tonight House performed a surgery on an unborn baby, at about 21 weeks, and they showed the baby grasping House's finger from the womb. It's based on a real picture (view here if you're not squeamish), and shows in a pretty intense way that this baby, though he could legally have been killed, is in fact a person.
Alanis Morissette, whose voice has just gotten cooler over the years, has covered/spoofed the execrable Black Eyed Peas' song "My Humps." Seriously. Google it if you don't believe me. A slate.com reviewer called the original song (and I use that term very, very loosely) "so awful it hurts the mind" and "so bad as to veer toward evil."
Because I have a job, I can now buy stuff! Stuff like groceries and shampoo, and a very cute dress for my friend Lindsey's wedding. I can also wear this extremely cute dress to church on Easter, because in grand Southern style, the ladies of Sojourn have decided to dress up for Easter. Ordinarily that would involve putting on the dark-wash jeans, but we're not going halfway on this puppy.
Well, that's about all that's going on in my life. Don't give up on me! I hope to have something actually of substance here in the next few days... Lord willing!
Space Sharks (2024)
Eksperimen militer yang dilakukan di stasiun luar angkasa menjadi sangat
buruk, mengirimkan generasi baru hiu bersenjata ke bumi dengan hanya […]
7 months ago
As always, I am your Dad, and I love you; and, as always, I am proud of you, for your heart, and for your desire to be in the grasp of the unending grace of God, Who pursues us into His purposes with indefatigable relentless, whether we desire Him overtly or not.
It's so exciting that you're working in the office now. We needed it. I'm sure you'll be appreciated by your coworkers, too.
I KNOW you are appreciated by your coworkers. You are a blessing to Sojourn and remember you will get use to apples. I can still go back to PCs but after a while on mac I really do like it better.
Yay for Easter Sunday dresses, initiated by the girl from Mississippi, of course!
Whenever you feel bad about your delinquent blogging, just remember me. However, I think Alex posted something the other day.
And we need to make that cake this weekend! I purchased some Meyer lemons. Saturday after the wedding?
That Alanis Morrisette cover is great! It really shows how dumb the original song is! The video on YouTube is funny too.
so... nickel creek is most def. coming to houston on april 20, and I def. have tickets.... *JUMPS IN CIRCLES SCREAMING*
I want to see pictures of you in your Easter dress Laura...
Suffice it to say, Moik, that I looked fabulous. Black and white patterns are SO hot right now.
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