Some of you may know that I've been considering veganism, mostly for health reasons, but also because I've become more aware of the ickiness (is that a word?) of factory farming. Before anybody starts calling me a hippie or a tree-hugger or something, remember that we've been given the responsibility of caring for God's creation, and that driving our 2.3 kids through the McDonald's drive-through in a gas-guzzling SUV doesn't actually resemble the Biblical picture of filling the Earth and subduing it. ;)
I'm getting closer to a decision about this (pretty major) lifestyle change, but I'd like some input from anyone still patient enough to check this blog. Whether you're against it, in favor of it, think it's unwise, or are uncertain, tell me why. If you're brave, argue the counterpoint as well -- i.e., if you're in favor of veganism or vegetarianism, list a few reasons why, and then a few reasons why a person might be opposed to veganism. No straw men, please! In other words, if you argue against veganism, don't put "because they're idiots and tree-hugging hippies" as your pro-vegan argument! Obviously! (Now, Mike, please put the above phrase in quotations in your comment to show just how clever you are.)
Oh, and if you're vegan or vegetarian, maybe include some advice!
Thanks in advance for your thoughtful opinions.
Space Sharks (2024)
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7 months ago
Im not vegan or vegetarian... (probably because i like meat so much.. thats not the point) but I def. dont think its wrong or unwise... It all just depends on how you feel about it, its a choice that everyone makes, and there are no right or wrong ways... Either way, God is still providing for you, whether you choose to eat meat or not.
You should become a vegan... I'm very pro vegies. I'd like to become a vego but I only know two vegie recipes. Perhaps you need to give me the advice.
Here are my $0.02:
I can definitely understand the health benefits of a vegan lifestyle---in theory. Our bodies could certainly benefit from less of the toxins, hormones, etc. that we absorb through processed foods and meat products and byproducts. And I've heard the horror stories about the food industry's production methods. While I don't believe that it is cruel or inhumane to raise and kill animals for food (the food chain was established as part of the natural order of creation), I do think that some of the questions of how we live out our stewardship over creation are worthy of soul-searching and pondering.
HOWEVER...I'm a pragmatist and, for me, the benefit of convenience is an important one. Realistically, it is very hard to live a HEALTHY vegan lifestyle unless you are a person who has the money (for alternate sources of protein, etc.) and time to buy and consistently prepare your own meals. It makes dining out tricky, and eating in the homes of friends and family complicated. Those may seem like trivial factors, but they're important to me. Plus, I don't have a conviction in this area, so there aren't any moral issues for me with regards to this...perhaps if there were, convenience would be something to sacrifice.
If you do decide to go all out, I can hook you up with some vegan recipes. My colleague at work is a vegetarian/sometimes vegan. And a good cook.
you and me, Mike. Let's try it!
I could get into a philosophical argument about why it's okay and even accepted as part of God's plan (to eat meat) but the simple fact is that I like meat. It tastes good. I can't imagine never being able to eat meat. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe vegans are even more hardcore than vegetarians, and will not drink milk or eat eggs. Couldn't do it.
I do feel that many of the vegans/vegetarians I've talked to who see this as a moral issue are wrong, in that most of them (I've only known a few) are not Christians and they see no difference between us and animals.
I eat meat, it's good. If you feel bad eating meat, just make sure you are hungry first so you appretiate it. And say a little prayer thanking God for the critter.
McDonald's is more about your own health than anyone elses.
You can never say 100% that driving a SUV is wrong, unless you also say motorbikes and busses are wrong, and oil or coal power stations. It's just a matter of percentages. Maybe you could use a car 20% smaller, there is no real wrong or right about it. In the end the market is the only thing that decides. People will buy what they can afford. If you don't need a 4wd (most don't) get a normal car.
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